When the green bean plants are done producing and are not diseased, resist the urge to pull them. Instead, cut them down at soil level. The green bean plant is what we call a “nitrogen fixer”, which means like other legumes, beans have nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the nodules on their root system, which boost nitrogen…
Organic Gardening
Plant a Cover Crop to Improve Your Soil Health!
Today, we are planting buckwheat in our garlic bed with hopes of adding some beneficial nutrients to the soil. Our soil health is over-all pretty good but could always be better. And who doesn’t want to set up their soil for success? Buckwheat is very…
How to Start Seeds Indoors
It’s FINALLY that time again! Time to grow some plant babies! Starting seeds is an exciting and rewarding process that can save a gardener a ton of money and offer up some unique plant selections that aren’t generally available at the big box stores or…